The hand on the right I drew using my left (non-dominant hand). The hand on the left I drew with my dominant, right hand. I was glad to draw my hand because I find it very difficult to draw something that I do not have in front of me. The subject matter was a little boring, though. I could have given more detail by shading, but the main point of this experiment was to experience the differences in drawing with a dominant and a non-dominant hand.
I used pencil rather than charcoal, because charcoal smears easily.
It was nearly impossible to control the fine movements of my non-dominant hand. Drawing with this hand produced unwanted waviness in the lines. I found it was especially difficult to control the movements if I attempted to draw a line from the bottom of the page to the top (it was a little easier to control my hand if I drew from the top down). I also found that it was more difficult to see the paper as I was drawing.
The drawing done with my dominant hand has smoother lines and more accurate details and proportions. It was nearly impossible to create the fine details using my non-dominant hand, because I couldn't get it to move the way I desired. Yet, the final picture done with my non-dominant hand is not all that different that the other. This makes me think that with practice I could become almost and skilled with using my left hand as I am with using my right.
I would consider using my non-dominant hand in the future in order to strengthen the muscles and develop further my hand-eye coordination.
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